Category Archives: Photography


Meet Mike. Mike lives in Chicago and when I ask him to lay in the road for a picture he does it. Good job Mike…good job.

Emily & Kevin – A Few Days Later.

Meet Emily & Kevin…Again. You first met them on their wedding post here and after that beautiful day, we decided to meet up for a ‘Day after the wedding’ session. We hung out on a perdy Sunday afternoon at the Water Works Restaurant and Lounge right on the Schuylkill River. The amazing architecture couldn’t have...

Nathan & That Bitch Edie…

Meet Nathan & his freakin beautiful puppy Edie. I love her…even though she spilled two cups of coffee in my car and pee’d on my carpet. Who can’t forgive a face like that? The answer is nobody.

Kelly & Lou – The Wedding.

Meet Kelly & Lou. Even though we didn’t actually meet in person for almost a year, I feel like we’ve known each other for years. She is pretty much awesome, shares my OCD issues and has great taste in all things funny, movie/tv-wise. They were married in Wilkes-Barre, PA at St. Nicholas Church, which by...